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Folic Acid Folsäure

Folic acid is a B vitamin and important for the division, formation and regeneration of cells. Folic acid is therefore one of the most important vitamins in the creation of new life.

Folic acid is absorbed in the diet mainly through green vegetables, legumes, cereals and dairy products. However, folic acid does not occur in its natural form in food. It is first converted in the body in several steps to its biologically active folate form, so-called metafolin.

A sufficient supply of folic acid is particularly important during pregnancy and when trying to conceive. The daily requirement during pregnancy is 550 micrograms per day. Women who are planning a pregnancy should take 400 μg of folic acid per day in addition to a balanced diet, even with normal folic acid levels in the blood. If supplementation begins shortly before or even after conception, 800 µg folic acid/day should be supplemented.

Studies show that taking folic acid for several months can improve oocyte quality and pregnancy rates. A folate deficiency during pregnancy can lead to miscarriages and premature births, malformations, growth retardation and low birth weight of the baby.

This article has been verified by a medical professional

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